Concert in the Alps – High Five Gstaad Festival Brass Quintet - fully booked
Sunday 8 August 2021
11 am, Alp Züneweid, Lauenen
What more could you wish for than the dazzling brass of the Gstaad Festival Brass Quintet to shine on the summits? The majestic surroundings of the Züneweid Alp offer a unique contrast between the urban heartbeat of the London metropolis and the natural sounds of the Gstaad mountains.

Gstaad Festival Brass Quintet
Huw Morgan, Trumpet
Laurent Tinguely, Trumpet
Olivier Darbellay, Horn & Presentation
Armin Bachmann, Trombone
Daniel Schädeli, Tuba
Georg Friedrich Handel (1685-1759) | |
Music for the Royal Fireworks | |
William Byrd (1543-1623) | |
Earle of Oxford’s Marche | |
Henry Purcell (1659-1695) | |
Ayres for the Theatre | |
Edward Elgar (1857-1934) | |
“Pomp and Circumstance” (extracts) | |
Malcolm Arnold (1921) | |
Brass Quintet | |
Incl. bus, concert, lunch (catering Hotel Bernerhof) CHF 140 | |
10 am – Bus transport from and back to the Geltenhorn parking (Lauenen) at ca. 3 pm |